685 Hikes and counting
Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)
Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

Manisha Adhikari

19th Magh 2080 was the most-awaited day for elementary school students. The third-graders at Deerwalk Sifal School were prepared to tackle the hiking trek from Jagdol to Tare Bhir. They had backpacks full of delectable food and eyes full of excitement. Despite the previous day’s rainfall, the spirit of our students was not dampened. At 10:15 AM, 44 students boarded the school bus with five teachers and a sister in tow.

Throughout the bus ride, the school bus was filled with the sounds of song competitions between different sections. Up to Gokarneshwor, the route was smooth. From there, the bus climbed over twists that resembled snakes to reach Jagdol. A few more twists and turns later, the bus began to vibrate like a cradle due to the road bumps. After a heavy lunch thirty minutes earlier, we were prepared for the kids to feel uneasy and lightheaded, but we discovered later on the hike review that the children had enjoyed it the most.

At 11:30 AM, following a 45-minute bus trip and a quick introduction to hiking regulations, students began to move in pairs. The students were overjoyed to have the opportunity to stroll on dusty, safe, and vehicle-free roads. A group of students began chanting, "What is better than dust and sand to play in the world?" after a short while. Even the dogs that lived in each home in the neighborhood were delighted to see so many children strolling beside them at once, and they greeted us with barking. For their own protection, we told the students not to pet any of them.

While we were traveling through a farm, the kids stopped to observe the magnificent Kalij (a pheasant). When we looked at Tare Bhir, its peak appeared to be the Himalayas due to a mass of white clouds around it. The kids' mood was lifted by the warm weather, crisp air, and brilliant light, to the point that they felt as though they were right in the middle of TinTin's adventures—just as in their new English reading book. They even claimed to have seen Sanjog sir in the role of Chang when they started searching for the characters of the book.

A beautiful meadow by the bank of a creek called “Bandere Khola” was chosen as our snack spot. Students gathered in groups and opened their packets of snacks filled with bakery, fruits, energy bars, and other delicacies. After the snacks, the students filled their bags with all of the plastic wrappers. Leading by example, some students began gathering all the leftover debris and bringing it to the school to be disposed of in the trash bin. The fact that our students were taking ownership of environmental cleanliness made us proud. We walked for another half hour and took a few group pictures before saying farewell to the lovely village.

It was 2:30 PM when we arrived at school. The students chanted Sanskrit slokas during the thirty-minute bus ride, which was pleasant and relaxing. Before the potluck meal, we reviewed hiking. The third graders had an unforgettable day on the two-hour, thirty-minute hike. Some of the students continued expressing gratitude to the school team for this amazing chance.

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

1. Who's at the top?

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

2. What is better than sand and dust? NOTHING

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

3. Taking a much needed rest

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

4. Mine is yummier

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

5. ( Kalij) Pheasant farm

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

6. Hhhunggrry...

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

7. Happiness and hike

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

8. Say cheese please

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

9. uphill is tough

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

10. Walking in pairs

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

11. Cold Day, won't stop me from using what I brought.

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

12. Gen Alpha and environmental sanitation

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

13. The expression says it all

Hiking from Jagdol to Tarebhir (Grade - III)

14. Caring friend