Ashay Thakur
It was a walk to remember, just because of how much fun it was. One of the more sedate trails that you would have, Telkot-Nagarkot hike still basks in the opulence that is Nepal. As the valley of Kathmandu starts looking green, you keep wondering what could have been. Jo Anne’s first visit to Nepal had us take her there! Next year, we go higher, and farther!
Jo Anne Hunt
On Sunday I had a chance of a lifetime to go hiking with experts. I knew it was going to be a challenge even though I was assured it was going to be “an easy one”. So armed with my bottle of water, comfortable walking shoes and determination to make it all the way, I ignorantly went off to experience the Nepali version of a little “hike”. It was beautiful the entire trip and the higher we ascended, the more spectacular the views no matter which direction you looked. As the hike progressed, I consistently was at the back of the pack. Lagging behind at a slower pace, while frustrating for me, was not all bad. It allowed me to meet local people along the way. An elderly man talking to me from the window of his house, a little girl who came-up and sat next to me on a rock neither of us understanding a word the other was saying, and a woman with her goats who walked beside me part of the way. As my legs started to cramp and feel like rubber, I was determined to keep going. Others in the group took turns keeping track of me to make sure I was not lost --- I secretly wished they would go ahead so I could lay down in the grass to rest not once worrying about how I would get back to Kathmandu or how they would explain to Rudra if they lost me! At one point when I could see the road through the trees below, I imagined that if I would tuck and roll I could make it down the hill with only a few bumps and scratches. From there it would have just been a matter of hitching a ride. Although I felt a real sense of defeat in not being able to complete the whole hike, it was a great day! I got to know some of my fellow Deerwalkers better and the time flew by. After a hot shower and a nap back at my hotel, I was already plotting how I am going to train for the next year when I am back in Nepal.
Bill Higgins
For my second hike in Nepal, we took a more relaxing hike to Nagarkot. I hadn't been there since 2005. Jo Anne had checked the weather and told us to expect rain. The day started with broken clouds and sunshine but as it worn on the sun disappeared. We made to the top and back into the van before the heavy rain came. Once again, I found the day memorable and the time spent with fellow hiker enjoyable.
Sachin Karanjit
I have been through this avenue many a times, but as I hiked up the hills of Nagarkot I was energized with new hope and excitement. Every step made me feel fresh and with my camera in my hand I was visualizing the beauty of nature through my lens, life seemed just perfect. Every single thing posed in front of me from a simple hut to the Cock-A-Doodle do, trust me! They were in a hedge to prove they were the best models of the world. I would never forget the buffalo that got really mad at me when trying to take his picture. I was so empowered with the gadget in my hand as I could capture this happiness forever. When suddenly a drop of water revived me from my bliss, I looked up at the sky and it was sharing my joy in terms of rain droplets. I took a short break from my bond with the nature. Rain didn't show any sign of stopping so I along with other hikers headed uphill under the drizzle. The individual attempts to get up the tower and then again attempts to get down were funny too.
Rakshya Baral
Well well well....it was my 1st hike from Deerwalk and dont have words to express how it went. Even though I have been to Nagarkot several times, this was the most exciting one, mostly because I did not have to walk for hours and hours. The best thing about this hike was that, the resting part was more than the walking part. Overall, I had a lot of fun with friends and lastly would like to thank Bill and especially Joanne for making this hike memorable.
Laxman Adhikari
This was my first hiking experience and it was perfect, comfortable and memorable for me. The best part of this hike was that it was exhilarating and matched the level of activity. The lasting beauty of Nagarkot's natural scenes complemented my happiness to be on the hike.
Sabita Khadka
I had a good time hiking through the trails of Nagarkot. I have had some of my life’s most memorable incidents here and kept getting flashes that rolled back the years for me. The weather was also favorable which made our hiking even more pleasant. I also had a great time chatting with our guests, Bill and Joanne. Hope they enjoyed it too.
Sushant Pokharel
Nagarkot is a beautiful place and we had a nice chat with Bill and Jo Anne along the way. I wouldn't remember this hike for the easiness of the trail but for all the jokes and the fun time that we had. It was a very enjoyable one.
Abanish Kayastha
The hike brought back nostalgic memories of previous hikes as it was after a long gap. When we started climbing stairs from Telkot towards Jalapa Temple, I could anticipate what was coming up based on my earlier experiences. It turned out be a very pleasant and memorable hike. When we reached the tower, everyone was rejuvenated. It was a fun hike, got to know each other better and had delicious lunch at Nagarkot. As always, 360 view from the tower was spectacular which can only be felt.