Hiking from Ramkot to Amitabha Monastery
Ramkot –
– Amitabha Monastery
15th Jul 2007
- Sunday
Lava Kafle, Sharad Pokharel, Ravi Sharma, Sudeep Khatiwada, Vishnu Kshetri, Shiram Kshetri, Sudeep Karkee
Participants: Lava, SharadP, Ravi, SudeepK Shiram and Vishnu
Route: Ramkot to
Amitabha Monastery to Swayambhu
Date: Sunday, July 15, 2007
Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes
Trip Doom: 11 Kilo meters
Report: Ravi and SudeepK
Photo: SharadP
Creative Support: BinayaN and Nishchal

Om Namo Shibaya
Last Friday's meeting held at QA department gave us an opportunity to go for hiking as it was asked by lava. The excitement for hike reached at peak when it was Sunday morning.
We left our home taking many joys in our mind; we passed our route sharing our excitement with each-other and we reached office around 6:30 AM. After awaiting 15 more minutes Vishnu and his daughter Shiram arrived and we came to know our destination has been changed from Lamidada to Amitabh Monastery situated at Halchowk but surprising arrival of Lava boosted up enthusiasm of hiking team and soon after we left D2 premises at 8 am.
As the van was in its full pace our hiking team was busy in interesting topics. Reaching at Sitapaila we had breakfast at Amrit Yin Yang Resort and there we had an opportunity to meet various personalities. After having some snapshot there we moved ahead to Ramkot and at 8:50 our excitement began to materialize as we go through the damp land and pine forest along with the music of MP4 player and some funny jokes.
As the time passes, we could not stop our curiosity and started to have some photographs of emerald hills. Some hilarious moments along with SharadP's "anti juka campaign" heaved our dead beats and those mount passes were without any pain. Those slogs were more interesting with our question to Vishnu about "that Nepali meaning of thing like Scarecrow". Finally, at 12 noon we reached the destination "Amitabh Monastery" which was chock-full of beauty. Not only the monastery but also nuns were fascinating us towards them with their beauty and behavior. Brilliant arts on the walls and the architecture of the Monastery compelled us to capture them in our cameras. The reciting of "ohm mane padme hom" made all the Monastery premises peaceful that carried off all our inconvenience and difficulties. After joyful experiences for about an hour, we walked towards Swoyambhu leaving Thapa gaun behind on the way. Having lunch at Rice and Bowl restaurant with company of Shiram, Vishnu, SharadP and Lava helped us to have added one more memory in our life. Finally, hiking came to an end we all departed to our own way. We really perceived a great experience for participating in the excursion and we do not mind to thank ourselves. This hiking gave us an opportunity to be familiar with each other and to know more about D2Hawkeye. Great going...

Om Namo Shibaya

We met Sharad in his hidden business

Recalling story of last night at breakfast table

Trilochan with hikers at his Ying Yang Restaurant

I met Trilochan after 20 years and he is 60 now, runs Amrit Ying Yang Resort at Sitapaila

Hike begins at RamKot

Reccomendation is made for making FARM House

Free from fear and anxiety

Anti leeches campaign

Rookies Rabi and Sudeep leading here

Community pine forest at RamKot

Pro still lacking behind

Members of July 15

Treatment for sponger campaign 2

Just sharing experiences while waiting for others

Sharad guiding Shiram

Lean on photo courtesy SharadP

Pushing hard

The last climb

Guess why Lava and Rabi with locals

Kampai Buttom Up

Nigar Didi

Gentleman wanted to have a snap up with us

Pleasure or Pain

Little bit of Rock Climbing

We liked the combined farming of Flower and Vege.jpg

Fresh and Juicy plum

Buddhist Stupa

Self-help not only after an address of religious nature

At the courtyard of Amitabh monastery

Making our own way to...

Rabi and SudeepK

Boddhi Tree

Nice and Clean so wanted to have photo here

Modern Monk

Colorful upper surface

Amitabh the Shrine of a religious community

And Residence of Amitabh's Nuns

No Devotion No Discourse just enjoy walking

Feelings of Ardent LOVE

Seeking an education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge

View of Kathmandu from Batasedanda

Stop Sleeping sorry SharadP

Cordial Reception of Rice and Bowl

We experienced the Chinese Cuisine with great delight and thanks