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Kanakot Hiking
Kanakot Hiking


Praveen  Shrestha

Praveen Shrestha Due to the ongoing fuel crisis, most of my weekend nowadays ended up being boring, uneventful, lazy afternoons. Any kind of hiking plans would remain just within "plan". It was on Friday when I was told to participate in the hike in which most of the hiking participants would be senior members from the office. I was very excited to join the group as after a long gap, I was going for a hike. As informed by the mail, I got picked up from Kalanki at 7:30 AM on Sunday by Office Vehicle for hiking. This hiking route was planned to be from Bukinchaur to Thankot. I have never gone hiking in that route. On our journey, we stopped nearby Tribhuwan Park, Thankot for breakfast to gather up the energy for the hike. After having breakfast for 20 to 30 minutes, we continued the drive till we reached the hiking startup spot. Since Dhading is Rudra dai's hometown, he was there to acquaint us with the local area. After 3 hours of hiking steep slopes, we made it to a small village where we planned to have lunch. The hotels we found were unable to serve us the lunch we wanted, so we decided to eat whatever was locally available. We requested a local resident to serve us available food as lunch to us. we had curry and beaten rice for lunch. The Curry was made from homegrown green vegetables. While lunch was being prepared, we had bowls of cool "chhyang" as a refreshment drink while played cards. After the lunch break, we continued to hike uphill. A Few minutes of uphill hike from the village led us to grassland; the grassland was a beautiful place at a suitable height. From here, we could get a panoramic view of the nearby valley. This was just marvelous. After enjoying the beautiful sight, we continued to hike. Now the trip was entirely in the forest,

I didn't see any lanes made for walking though we were just continuing hiking on slippery slopes

I didn't see any lanes made for walking though we were just continuing hiking on slippery slopes, removing the bushes and prickles by ourselves and heading upwards. In doing so, most of the hikers got skin rashes, some fought bravely with leech attacks. The hike was accompanied by dear hikers: Bhuwan Dai, Pranab Dai, Lava Dai; their jokes and humorous small talks enabled us to enjoy this soring hike even more. Finally hiking within the woods was completed and we were on gravelled road, everyone must have taken a sigh of relief. But, this was not the end of the hike because the journey was planned to end at Thankot. So we continued to hike. At Dhading – Makawanpur – Kathmandu Border meeting point, we had our snacks and rushed for Thankot as the evening has already set in and we didn't want to be late. Unfortunately, since Thankot was still far away and our pace was not fast enough we were still walking at 7 PM with cellphone lights to lighten up the road of hope. Finally, we made it to the place where our Messiah, Umesh dai was eagerly waiting us to deliver us to our homes. All in all, this was one of the adventurous hikes for me and most justifying weekend. I would like to go for the similar hike in future.

Kanakot Hiking

1. Clash on Boys

Kanakot Hiking

2. Bihal Poll

Kanakot Hiking

3. A coffee a Day keeps doctor away

Kanakot Hiking

4. Let's pose for our fb friends

Kanakot Hiking

5. Here is Toy-Let

Kanakot Hiking

6. Follow me Boys

Kanakot Hiking

7. Where are the rest

Kanakot Hiking

8. This is where our next picnic will be

Kanakot Hiking

9. Pandey Ji!

Kanakot Hiking

10. Smile Please!

Kanakot Hiking

11. Han-cy!

Kanakot Hiking

12. Tichkuleee!

Kanakot Hiking

13. We need to install thin in our Dikshyashala

Kanakot Hiking

14. Drink water everyday otherwise you will get this

Kanakot Hiking

15. It's His Birthday

Kanakot Hiking

16. Mountain High

Kanakot Hiking

17. Old Buddy!

Kanakot Hiking

18. Natural Pose!

Kanakot Hiking

19. I Still Got Stamina!

Kanakot Hiking

20. This is Nepal!

Kanakot Hiking

21. Post Earthquake Residence

Kanakot Hiking

22. Fat! No Problem! I can Still Lead!

Kanakot Hiking

23. Fuel of the day

Kanakot Hiking

24. Highway to Kathmandu

Kanakot Hiking

25. I am coming

Kanakot Hiking

26. See I have a wings

Kanakot Hiking

27. Why they are so slow

Kanakot Hiking

28. Naagraj hair style...

Kanakot Hiking

29. Stand Up

Kanakot Hiking

30. Kanchan Pandey Photography

Kanakot Hiking

31. Villagers

Kanakot Hiking

32. Yummy!

Kanakot Hiking

33. No Gas! No Problem!

Kanakot Hiking

34. Hamro Party Pose!

Kanakot Hiking

35. ure Veg

Kanakot Hiking

36. This is how i got my stamina

Kanakot Hiking

37. Earthquake! Forgot Not!

Kanakot Hiking

38. Still long way to go

Kanakot Hiking

39. I have flag boys!

Kanakot Hiking

40. Men Behind Bush

Kanakot Hiking

41. Photographer Pose

Kanakot Hiking

42. Perfecly Caputured

Kanakot Hiking

43. This is how you pose

Kanakot Hiking

44. End of Makawanpur

Kanakot Hiking

45. Chitlang Break

Kanakot Hiking

46. Night Walkers

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Kebalpur Hike
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