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Hiking From Surya Binayak to Lamatar via Ghyampe Dada

Title 2013 Mar - Deerwalk Hiking From Surya Binayak to Lamatar via Ghyampe Dada
Route Driving (Kathmandu >> Surya Binayak), Hiking (Surya Binayak >> Pilotbaba Ashram >> Ghyampe Dada >> Ranikot >> Lakuri Bhanjyang >> Lamatar), Driving (Lamatar (Dhungeni)>> Kathmandu)
Date March 24, 2013
Hike Duration 7 hrs
Coordinator Nisha Sharma Pandit
Participants Biswas Lohani, Kanchan Raj Pandey, Kiran Dangol, Mahendra Duwal, Manila Raut, Nimesh Deuja, Nisha Sharma Pandit, Pratik Kayastha, Resha Sedhai, Rupesh Karki, Subash Aryal.
Photos By Kanchan Raj Pandey, Nisha Sharma Pandit, Pratik Kayastha
Report By Subash Aryal
Creative Support Kanchan Raj Pandey, Rinesh N Bajracharya
Edited By Rinesh N Bajracharya
Hiking From Surya Binayak to Lamatar via Ghyampe Dada Subash AryalSubash Aryal On March 24, Sunday 2013 under the coordination of Nisha we set off from the office premises at 7:30 am for the Deerwalk weekly hike. After an hour of drive, we reached Surya Binayak, which was the starting point of our hiking route. At Surya Binayak we had breakfast in a small hotel, bought some snacks and bottles of drinking water before setting off for our trip. From our original plan we changed it to Lubu, Lamatar via Ghyampe Dada and Ranikot. Initially the hike was expected to be moderate one, but that changed along with the route. The green forest and rhododendron around us helped us cherish the hiking moment. The downhill road was tough as there was pine needles and leaves everywhere in the forest. It was difficult to balance our steps, and everyone was relieved when it was over. The more we climbed the more we enjoyed the hike. We could see a large building at the top of the next hill and made our way towards it. The more we climbed up and down the more we got into trouble. It was difficult for us to locate the hiking route in the middle of the jungle. After climbing the third hill we found the road to Ranikot and Pilot Baba Meditation Center. Some of us were ahead while the others were still crawling up. We were tired and thirsty. We rested awhile in the meditation center and took some pictures. We saw the mountain which was renowned for giving the illusion of the Sleeping Buddha; we saw the illusion too. There were still many hills to climb, so we set off from the meditation center at around 12:30 pm. We extended our hike towards Ranikot from where we could view the backside of Mount Everest. After walking half an hour we had to climb another hill covered with pine forest. After crossing three hills, we reached Ranikot, had some snacks and captured snaps of the mountain range. At the top of the hill, wind was blowing softly and we could cherish the moment by recounting the number of hills we climbed. After reaching Ranikot, we met some local people carrying firewood (for cooking purpose) and grass (for domestic animals). We asked them for the way to Lakuri Bhanjyang and headed accordingly. It was time to leave Ghyampe Dada. We started to climb down the road asking locals for the better route as we were having a hard time. At 4:00 pm, we reached Lubu, Lamatar. We called for the Deerwalk van and drove to Gwarko. After having dinner at Gwarko in a café we ended the hike. Overall, it was a successful hike and we really enjoyed climbing hills, sceneries with rhododendron, slipping on pine leaves, and view of the mountain ranges along the trip. The best part of the hike was that we made our own trail through the jungle.

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