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Hiking from Kurintar to Manakamana
Hiking from Kurintar to Manakamana

Hiking Route: Kurintar - Keurepani – Manakamana Temple - Kurintar Duration: 10 hr Date: Sunday, August 24, 2008 Participants: RudraP, LunaG, GaneshT, SauravD, SameshJ, DijupT, SitaP, RinaM, KesavB, SangharshaB, BidhaR, SumitS, and DhilungK. Photos: EU Team (SangharshaB, KesavB, SameshJ, SumitS, RinaM, BidhaR, DijupT, and DhilungK) Caption: DijupT, BidhaR and BishwaS Report by: BidhaR and SangharshaB Creative Support: Dijup / Pallavi This was the first EU Special hiking for the EU team members. We were all very excited as we were going to visit one of the temples-Manakamana reputed for fulfilling one’s wishes. Although some of the team members couldn’t make it, we were there to represent them too. 

EU team

01 Team Members: Dijup, Sangharsha, Luna, Kesahv, Sita, Sumit, Bidha, Rina, Dhilung, Ganesh, Saurav, Samesh and Rudra.(Left to right) 

Mountain View

02 Mountain View This was the shot taken from Thankot/Nagdhunga. The mountains above the hills and the clouds were simply awesome and the weather seemed to be in our favor to start our enthusiastic journey. At Dhading we stopped for tea, while Rudra dai took a walk to visit his relatives. Interestingly, the tea shop was named Pandey’s Kirana Pasal, later we found that the owner was Rudra dai’s relative. Our journey continued with the visit to our regular breakfast point at Naubise – The Chadeshwori hotel, where we stopped for half an hour. 

getting ready

03 Getting ready Finally, from Kurintar – Cable car station, our real hiking started. It was already noon and we were in the worst possible time to start the hike. Under the midday sun we got exhausted and it was the time when the group got separated into two. The exhaustion grew stronger whenever we saw the cable car passing above us, like a glider and we were there walking just to reach the top of the hill. The weather got better after an hour which brought life to our walk. 

Thank you

04 Thank you As we would get late to visit the schools, we rather distributed the copies/pencils to the school kids returning from the school. 

Write nice things, beautiful words, draw nice pictures and remain happy as you are now.

05 Children of Keurepani Write nice things, beautiful words, draw nice pictures and remain happy as you are now. 


06 Manakaman temple Ahhhhh... the temple is here, we finally reached Manakamana with complete expenditure of energy. We worshipped there and just waited for the other group to get there. Finally they reached the place after 45 minutes. We were planning to return by Cable Car but to our disappointment we were too late to catch the Cable car. We just could not imagine returning through the same path on the same day. But there was no other option left for us. So, we had lunch and a small photo session there. 

look we are representing EU symbolically

Photo Session Part I: Can you guess what were we doing out there? Trying to make EU symbolically by our hands. It was a fun indeed. 


Photo session Part II: This is the EU… 

Ready to get back..really!

10 Ready to return Way Back to Kurintar: Our journey back on the same trail started at around 6:15 pm, and we were obviously late. The evening was cool though, as we walked down the hill passing through the villages on the way, talking to the locals returning from the jungle with their cattle. The path – bright at first, gradually started to fade. As we moved ahead, we kept loosing the light. 


11 Dawn By now the sun had already bid us good bye -the sight of the twilight spilled all over the horizon. As we started rolling down the same path that we have started, gradually the visible path turned into a faded whiteness, then it slowly merged into the darkness around us. Next resort - the mild light of the cell phone guided us through the darkness and jungle. We all were little tensed too because it was a long way to get down there. But without losing hope and courage we all progressed towards our destination with as much speed as we could make. We could just see the lights of Cable car station from atop the hill and except the distant light and the surrounding darkness, all we had was ourselves, and nothing else. “This is a dry land covered with forest… most prone to encounter a tiger” Rudra was saying while we returned. (Were we less scared already to walk on that dark trail?) 


12 At the base Finally, we reached the base, loosened ourselves, had some cool air on the suspension bridge over Trishuli, The mission had been accomplished – the steep track which seemed less possible in the midday sun had been measured with our footsteps and we were back to the station. And then the moments of recollection started – the dry hike to the top and the dark descent back to ground zero had left us with lots of insight. We listened to the silent roars of the Trishuli waves and the reflection on the water while we waited for our friends to catch up. We spent some speechless moments. The clock ticked 8, it was late and we still had to travel 3 hours to reach Kathmandu. So without wasting time we travelled back to Kathmandu. Running out of energy, we collapsed in the van, slowly reviewing the day that had passed and exchanging the cameras to recap the timestamps we had captured on the way.. 



Lava and his philosophy

13 Lava and his philosophy



all set and ready to go

14 all set and ready to go



EU photography

15 EU photography



EU shutters

16 EU shutters



carrying things

17 carrying things



this is how we look form back

18 this is how we look form back



Time to go school

19 Time to go school



waiting for future

20 waiting for future




21 Experiment



Here we come

22 Here we come



jamka bhet

23 jamka bhet



We are getting late

24 We are getting late



buddha stupa

25 buddha stupa




26 Fountain




27 Scenery



Land of temples

28 Land of temples




29 start



we can do it

30 we can do it



The journey begins

31 The journey begins



it looks impossible

32 it looks impossible



exhausted yesss

33 exhausted yesss



holding the car

36 holding the car



behind the scene

34 behind the scene



Here comes result

35 Here comes result



what to do no monkey in the town

37 what to do no monkey in the town



I can smile though......

38 I can smile though......



ready for shot

39 ready for shot



what is the price of this smile

40 what is the price of this smile



Dhilung with his shot

41 Dhilung with his shot



Exhausted not, GT opts for a short halt

42 Exhausted not, GT opts for a short halt



balak what do u want

43 balak what do u want



Back together

44 Back together



is this real smile

45 is this real smile



It`s tough yaar

46 It`s tough yaar



hdr 2

47 hdr 2



running time once again

48 running time once again



Tough road

49 Tough road



water supply exhausted

50 water supply exhausted



looking to the other side

51 looking to the other side



Paani ra Tirkha

52 Paani ra Tirkha



this is the smile of rest

53 this is the smile of rest



working full time

54 working full time



working part time

55 working part time



All about EU

56 All about EU




57 innocent



children of the nation

58 children of the nation



we will be ready to walk with you

59 we will be ready to walk with you



Childish shot

60 Childish shot



there you go

61 there you go



Ramro sanga padhnu hai

62 Ramro sanga padhnu hai



will anyone cary my camera

63 will anyone cary my camera



height of dream

64 height of dream



View from height

65 View from height



Our destination

66 Our destination



things have changed a lot

67 things have changed a lot



finally we are near the destination

68 finally we are near the destination



Small shops at the temple

69 Small shops at the temple



Balla darsan garna payo

70 Balla darsan garna payo



means of transportation

71 means of transportation



Want to know my wish....

72 Want to know my wish....




73 Devotees



let`s call some one

74 let`s call some one



salute to EU

75 salute to EU




76 Planning



both side of EU

77 both side of EU



dancing .....

78 dancing .....




79 E




80 Temple



Dhilung with trisul in his hand

81 Dhilung with trisul in his hand



feels good

82 Feels good




83 U



Side view of the temple

84 Side view of the temple



What is the EU

85 What is the EU ?



Glorious dusk

86 Glorious dusk



blissful moment

87 Blissful moment



light of life

88 Light of life



View just after sunset

89 View just after sunset



time and nature

90 Time and nature




91 Dawn



Let`s take a nice shot from here

92 Lets take a nice shot from here



Its too dark can`t see anything

93 Its too dark can`t see anything



A night to remember

94 A night to remember



haha can u do this

95 haha can u do this



light birds

96 Light birds

Hiking from Kalikasthan to Gosaikunda
2008-08-14 /
Hiking from Sankhu Bazaar to Lapsephedi via JersinghPauwa and Bajrayogini
2008-09-07 /