Kallol Dahal
11th August, 2024, the teachers of Deerwalk Sifal School were to go for a hike; Naubise - Tinchange Jharana - Deerwalk Dhading School. The teachers were slowly gathering in the school premises and by 8:00, we were all ready to begin. At around quarter past eight, we departed from the school and picked up a few teachers on the way to Thankot. We had to take our breakfast on the way. We had chana, an egg, sadheko alu, samosa, pakauda, and a cup of tea each. Naubise to Tinchange Jharana as our hiking trail, we reached the foot of the hill at around noon. We were supposed to begin our hike from there. It was raining cats and dogs, without being a hindrance to
our journey.
The uphill was a moderate trail and we reached the aforementioned Jharana after an hour and thirty minutes hike. We could not enjoy the scenery as much as we had wanted to due to the unfavorable weather, but the sadness was overpowered by the scenic beauty of the waterfall. We let ourselves be drenched by the naturally flowing water and clicked lots of pictures and videos. Due to there being no time-constraints, we could fully indulge in the fun, sometimes standing right beneath the force of the water hitting our heads and torso while dipping ourselves in the pool of water collected beneath the waterfall at other times. The lack of other visitors that day proved to be a boon for us and we stayed there for more than an hour. We then headed back to the foot of the hill and towards Deerwalk Dhading School.
We had decided to walk to reach the school, so asked the vehicle to be taken to the school, and we would follow the path. We reached the school after 45 minutes of walking down the hill. It was the first visit to the school for most of the teachers. We could enjoy the scenery more from the
school than anywhere else throughout the journey. The big and lush green patch attracted us and we started playing futsal for a while until we were tired. We moved to play badminton after 20 minutes of tiring futsal before we were disturbed by the rain. We had had our breakfast at around half past ten on our way, so all of us were hungry as well. We had our lunch at around three, clicked some pictures, talked to the staff there, and bade goodbye to everyone at around quarter to four. We could not meet any of the teaching faculty there and we could not stay any longer there. So, we arrived back at Sifal at around five. The journey was a memorable one not just because of the natural scenery, the fun we had, but also because of the participating hikers who actually knew how to have fun once they are brought out of the responsibilities of being teachers.