Prayusha Acharya
On February 29th and March 1st (Saturday/ Sunday), the Hiking Club organized a two-day hike from Kathmandu to Ghalegaun. This time the moments to be spent were limited as this was our last outing. We gathered at Deerwalk complex sharp at 6:00 a.m. and departed at 7:00 a.m. with 25 students and 3 teachers.
All of us wanted to reach our destination as soon as possible. Some wanted to reach fast because they were sick and some wanted to see what’s really in Ghaleguan. Thanking God for no traffic at Thankot, we stopped at Naubise to have breakfast as all of us were pretty hungry. A local restaurant served us with Selrotis, eggs, and a cup of tea as well.
We again continued our journey. We Sang and danced for a while but all of us were tired because we all woke up early to begin our ride. “Night Night People”. Nearly everybody slept while Sheenen gave some Tips and Tricks on how to ride a bike on the highway as he is a person-to-person advisor. Some of them had a hard time during the bus ride and suffered a lot. “बेनी आइपुगियो है हामी”, Rupesh shouted. What a mesmerizing view it was. Again Sheenen shouted “मेरो गोप्रो निकाल्न भिडियो लिउ”. So, I took out his go-pro and started recording the views. After 6 and a half-hour later we reached Besisahar and decided to have lunch there. We directly craved for lunch and ate like ‘hantakalis’.
After an hour we all got once again on the bus and all decided to take a nap till we reached Ghaleguan but things don’t go as planned always. A complete 3 hours’ off-road ride started. But Suman dai didn’t see that off-road as off-road but as the highway that we previously passed. We moved from one place to another, some of them fell from their seats and some hit the windows with big BAAMS. “One-hour drive to Ghalegaun” the hooding board showed. Now all of them walked up from their dreams and started buckling up. 45 minutes, 30 minutes, and finally 5 minutes left hooding board appeared. Some of them got off the bus and wished to walk the remaining road where the hooding board showed 25 minutes as they were very sick and tired sitting on the bus.
We entered Ghalegaun around 3:30 in the afternoon and boy oh boy what a view it was. The sun was setting down. The cold breeze was passing by giving goosebumps. We chose our homestay to stay overnight, placed our backpacks on the room, and went exploring the small village containing 124 houses. We clicked photos and time-lapses for our memory. After the sunset, we went towards our rooms. A group of 7 was divided for each house and we had dinner separately as per the groups. After dinner campfire was set up and we all began to sing songs. Our Fruit and Juice Store owner Mr. Adip brought some grapes, apples, and juices to add up. Some of them went to sleep whereas some still were enjoying the fireside. We gathered in a room and started making fun of each other with lame jokes by Saujanya which ended up in big laughs. All needed sleep but none hesitated to sit up and enjoy the moments. It was 12 a.m. when we went to bed.
The next day morning from 4:30 a.m. all of the others woke up and gathered to watch the sunrise from a hill nearby. They said it was so cool but we four (Shardul, Rupesh, Sheenen and Me) slept till 7:45 a.m. and that was so cool.
We didn’t want to wake up but due to the departure time of 8:00 a.m., we had to. We woke up and got fresh. After that our homestay owner served us with Selrotis, egg, jhol tarkari, and a cup of tea. After that, we went to take a final tour of the village and went up to the view tower and returned. We got our things packed and ready to go. “Oh! Wait. Group photo”, Aabrity shouted. None trip is complete without the group photo so we took some group photos and went to our bus which was ready to move.
The same three hours off-road began but this time bumps didn’t feel as it did the previous day. Maybe it was because we sat in the first seats. We decided to have our lunch at Dumre bazaar but plans changed. We decided to have our lunch at Malekhu. We reached Malekhu at around 1 p.m. We had our lunch at one of the Thakali restaurants. After that, we again hopped on the bus to complete our trip. We didn’t expect to reach that fast but again it was Suman dai who does the thing. Again thanking god for no traffic at Thankot height we entered Kathmandu valley around 4:00 p.m. From Teku, RNAC, Kamalpokhari, Gyaneshwor, Kalopul, and finally to Deerwalk complex it took an hour to come from Thankot.
“The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last.” Even though we only had a day over to spend we really enjoyed our outing. It was the last outing before we bid farewell and being a part of Deerwalk and leading the Hiking Club as a President was really a thrilling journey. Even though many ups and downs occurred between these two years the moments shared with amazing classmates and teachers will always be remembered. I would like to thank each and every one of you for the memories that I will cherish forever. Thank you for making high school fun and enjoyable.
One night outing to Ghale Gaun was organized by the Hiking club of DSS +2 for Grade XII on Feb 29, 2020. Everyone was instructed to reach the Deerwalk complex by 6 am, but as everyone gathered, it was 7 when our bus left for a beautiful journey. Since it was our last outing from the school, we wouldn’t miss it for anything else. Altogether 25 students and 3 teachers participated in the outing.
We had our breakfast at around 10 am in Naubise. Then we continued our journey on the bus by singing, dancing, cracking jokes, and planning for the rest of the trip. At around 1 pm, we reached Besisahar, Lamjung and satisfied our cravings for a delicious Nepali meal. We continued our journey through a narrow, steep, and bumpy road to our destination by enjoying the scenic beauty of green fields and rhododendron trees around us.
It was a 2.5 hours ride on a bus from Besisahar to Ghale Gaun. Some of the boys chose to continue their journey on the way by walking. We reached our destination, Ghale Gaun at around 4 pm and waited around an hour for the boys to arrive at our allocated homestays. We were welcomed by a hot cup of tea in the cold weather. After restoring our energy from the bus journey, we set off to explore the small yet glorious village. We visited the museum, gumba, clicked some really nice photos in the sunset, and returned back to our homestays when it got dark.
Then we had one of the best traditional Nepali meal cooked in wood fire by a Gurung woman. The meal was served with love which made its taste more authentic. After that, we had a campfire in front of our homestays where we sang and enjoyed the night.
The next day, some of us woke up at 4 am to wander around the village and then observe the sunrise. We walked around with flashlights and stood on the ground to admire the sky full of twinkling stars. We spotted some satellites and shooting stars too. Then we walked on until the sky was a bit bright then headed towards view tower to see the sunrise and Mt. Annapurna was seen clearly from there. It was totally gorgeous.
We returned back to our homestay to pack our things. We had a breakfast that consisted of Kodo ko Sel, boiled egg, chana aloo ko jhol and a cup of tea. We were then bid farewell by putting white tika in our forehead and mala around our neck. We said goodbye to the place and left the place by bus at exactly 8 am.
Insufficient sleep of the previous day made the bus ride quite. We had our meal at Malekhu and headed straight to the Deerwalk complex. This journey added more memories to look into our high school life. The end of this trip also marked an end to a mesmerizing journey of leading the Hiking Club as the Vice-President.