Laxman Jari
Primed for the day, we gathered at Deerwalk Complex premises at 8 am. Kick starting the
journey, with a motive to store energy for the hike, we had our breakfast together where Nirmal
Sir shared with us his reminiscences of the past hikes. We headed towards the vehicle and started
our journey at 8:45 am singing songs through the way until the bus took us to Shivapuri
Nagarjun Park gate at 9: 37 am.
Then and there, we could feel ourselves connected with nature surrounded by those huge trees
and peaceful environment. Knowing that it was just the beginning of what we had in store that
day to experience, we headed towards our destination, “Bishnudwar” which is the origin of
Bishnumati river and carries a great religious importance amongst Hindus and Buddhists.
We had a sense of relief as it was a cool day compared to the past few days when we had been
experiencing the unendurable heat. Walking through, we reached Dandagaon at 10:35 am, rested
there for a while, explored the valley through the hill and enjoyed the cool breeze that place had
to offer. The fresh smell of nature and the talks among the team was adding up to the memories
of yet another beautiful day in everyone’s life. The road was an easy one to walk. We sometimes
had to climb through the steep paths too.
We set foot at Bishnudwar at approximately 12:30 pm after a long walk with some pause in-
betweens for rest and photographs. What a serene plane to be at! The sound of the flowing water,
that view of water passing through the spaces within those big rocks and that little corner within
the rocks embarking the worship place of Lord Bishnu; all of us took a long breath of relief and
thankfulness getting to be at that place. Nirmal Sir made it mandatory for all of us to chant the
“Shri Krishna” mantra and everyone did that with great pleasure!
Our vehicle would be waiting for us at the other side of Sundarijal. Then and there, we took the
Nagi Gumba path to reach our next destination. We walked through and assumed we were
hedging towards the destination to know that we had missed our way long back and had reached
the wrong place!
Walking back through the same steps was not an easy task for all. Exhausted and starved, we
reached Tare Bhir. Our coordinators managed to contact the driver and allocated a place for the
pickup. The twist was when a bunch of members from the team chose a different path to reach
the destination and the two teams weren’t able to meet. After numbers of calls and connections,
the sundered teams finally met at 5 pm and we reached back to DSS premises with loads of
memories created and stored.