661 Hikes and counting
Hiking from Chahare to Muktinath via Manang and Thorang La Pass
Hiking from Chahare to Muktinath via Manang and Thorang La Pass

Title: D2ians Annapurna Circuit Trekking, Thorong La Hiking Route: Kathmandu - Besisahar - Manang - Thorong-La pass -Jomsom- Phokhara Date: Oct 24 , 2009 Saturday to Nov 02, 2009 Monday Duration: 10 days. Hike Coordinator: D2 Participants: BimalK,KapilP,AbisheshJ,ManojR,RudraP,(ChrisK,MahanaL,HiteshK [Guest]) Photos: AbisheshJ,ManojR,HiteshK Report By: RudraP, KapilP, ManojR Geolocation: 5416m (28° 47' 36.23" N 83° 56' 19.25" E)
Recollections Rudra Pandey

This is the highest pass in the world a trekker could enjoy

I always wanted to do this one. This is the highest pass in the world a trekker could enjoy. It was not easy at all. My team had a few more days of acclimatization than I had and they were 10-20 years younger. I had a role to push these young guys to the limit and finish my trek from Manang to the Pass in three days. We left the beautiful village (of course with full of garlic smell) of Manang early Thursday morning and spend Thursday night at Yak Kharka. Friday night five of us spend few hours of the never ending torturous night at High Camp (approx 4900 M). I could not sleep at all and our team left for the pass 3:30 AM Saturday morning. We reached the Pass around 6:30 AM and I started my descend towards the base camp (Phedi at 4500M) after 15 minutes halt at the Pass. My team walked to the other side of the Pass targeting Jomsom as their next halt. I met Chris Kryder, Truman (Chris's friend), Mohana and Hitesh at the base camp and headed back to Manang village. Reached the old garlic village at around 7 PM. The 14 hours of walk made me very exhausted. But it was a BIG achievement. Loved it and suffered from a terrible headache almost constantly for three days. I am happy I could still do it. I like the number 5,416 and will never forget: 5 = team of five, 4 = those who were left at the base camp, 1 = the person who was left at Kathmandu, 6 = originally we had planned to be the team of six. I had a few learning from the trek: 1. We all can do it if we try and it is always good to go through the stress test like this one! 2. Be careful of altitude sickness when you push yourself beyond 2500 M mark. I had the slight sickness and I was able to overcome as I have enough experience to know the early symptom of it. 3. Walk slowly; you can get there. 4. Never try horse ride during downhill - it may kill you. As always, Pranayam helped me a lot. Particulalry, Anulom Bilom. I would not be able to overcome the massive constantly pounding headache without the Pranayam. I loved my tam all the way and they were amazing.

Bimal dai (Bhurtel buda) Manoj (maite), Abishesh ( Halal buda) and Hitesh dai ( Karki dai)

Kapil Pandey For me the Thorang La trek was a dream come true. Never seen snow in my life, got an opportunity to touch the snow with bare hands, climb the Annapurna 3 up to some meters. How can I forget the everyday breakfast, Garlic soup and Milk porridge with honey, Playing cards at night, our own mandle jokes, yak ko sukuti and chicken at manang. Thanks to Bimal dai (Bhurtel buda) Manoj (maite), Abishesh ( Halal buda) and Hitesh dai ( Karki dai). Lastly, we all know Nepal is beautiful but the difference lies in knowing and exploring. Thanks D2 for all this. Manoj Rokka "I don't have the words to explain about how i felt on my 10 days trekking to Thorong-La pass" but I am trying to share some of my experiences that i had during my journey to the world's highest pass. "Thorong-la" which was 5414 meters above the sea level and the highest elevation is situated in Annapurna Trekking route. The journey began from Besisahar. Day 1 From Besisahar we took a jeep to Chahare and reached there at around 6:30 PM. Then the Trek began at night, ForeHeadlight that we had as our trekking gear helped us to show the trail, single slip could take us to Marsyangdi river but we must had to walk, there was no option. Around 9:30 PM, we reached Sange, and spend night there. Day 2 Our destination for the second day was Dharapani. We started our journey from the temporary man made bamboo bridge over Marsyangdi river, this bridge was 'one way bridge', only single person can pass at a time,but no one knows how much load that bridge would be able to bear. On the way we had encountered countless number of Waterfalls, among them one is at Chamje "Rainbow Waterfall" which was really breath taking, a clear view of rainbow always reflects this waterfall, feels like looking at natural painting. And then, after walking more than 11 hours we reached the place called Dharapani.

we are traveling, where people from across 7 oceans are dying to visit?

Day 3 We were a bit tired but the excitement to be on the lap of a mountain always boosted us to move forward. That day our destination was to reach Bhartang, next stop after Chame. After half an hour of walking, Mt. Manasalu shown her face on our opposite side. Fellow trekkers are also started to seen on a way, most of them were foreigners, looking at them, a question came to my mind "Why most of the Nepalese are so interested to travel to foreign countries, when there exists place like theone we are traveling, where people from across 7 oceans are dying to visit?". After walking for 3 hours Mt. Annapurna II started to peep us hiding behind an unknown hill. We reached Chame at 2 PM. "Chame" the district headquarters of Manang is surrounded by Anapurna II, Manasalu and number of other snow-covered deserted hills. After Chame our next stop was Burtang, where we reached around 5:30 PM and decided to stay there for that night. Day 4 Our mission for that day was to reach Manang and catch Chris and his team. After walking for 2 hours, we reached on a place called "Dhukur Pohkari". We were all amazed with its beauty, "WOW!, what a combination of nature - a tiny pond on a middle, surrounded by jungle of pine trees along with himali flowers, above that a deserted giant hills with snow on a top and Mt. Annapurna II smiling on a morning sun light," - felt like we were in heaven. Leaving that wonder land behind, we continued our journey towards Pisang, a small village on the base of Mt. Pisang (6091M). Day 5 From Pisang after 2 hours ascent of a small hill, a view of Humde along with Manang's only one airport indicated us that we were reaching closer to Manang. Also new series of Mt. Annapurna Iv, Gangapurna and Tilicho were standing on a distance to welcome us. After having lunch at Humde we moved our feet towards our final destination of that day and reached Manang around 5:30 PM. Manang is a typically Tibetan village with numerous stupas, monasteries and oratories, which is situated at a height of 3500M. The altitude of the place we were traveling was increasing day by day, which made us a bit worried about altitude sickness. Even though we were taking lots of water and garlic soup as a precaution, there existed every possibility of getting Altitude Sickness at any time.

These beautiful scenery made us feel as if we were walking in our dream land

Day 6 After a day's rest at Manang, we headed next towards Yak Kharka (4200M). On that day as we walked pass an old Manang village, we witnessed wonderful smile of little 'manange' kids, group of yaks, Himali Cow(Chauri) and sheep, Mount Annapurna, Gangapurna and Tolicho on left and huge dry hills . These beautiful scenery made us feel as if we were walking in our dream land.Finally,we reached Yak Kharka at around 4 pm. Day 7 Thorong-la high camp: Although the walking distance was relatively shorter than those of previous days, we quite tired even after walking few steps because of the high altitude. .However, the breathtaking view that surrounded us was a welcome exchange to our tiredness. Mount Chuli and thorong-la are new mountain that we can see on a way to Thorong high camp. After reaching Thorong phedi(4500M)at around 1 PM we had lunch there and then we started to ascend towards thorong-high camp(4800M). The distance between Thorong phedi and high camp was merely 300 meters but because of high altitude it took almost 1 and half hour to cover that distance. Around 4 pm we reached high camp. We all had minor headache, probably due to extreme cold wind or altitude. That day one question was roaming around my mind "Can we do it", to which I swiftly answered "Yes we can". We all gathered for dining at the hotel in base camp and decided to start our final mission at 3 am next morning. Because of high altitude, we couldn't sleep well that night.

We were the first team to be on the pass that day

Day 8 The day to be on a top of Thorong-La pass, which is 5416 M and highest pass of Annapurna circuit. All of us woke up at 3 Am and got ready to ascend towards the pass. With the help of head lamp, we started our stride towards Thorong base camp. We had to walk on a small snow covered path. The temperature was probably between -3 to -5 degrees or less. The more we moved forward, the more we had breathing problem while the headach also became more sharper.Despite we were struggling with pain, this experience was nothing as compared to the experience of walking at the top of the mountain, with twinkling stars above on the dark sky, freezing temperature and pin drop silence. Gradually the stars on the sky started to fade away along with the blooming rays of light on the horizon, and clear signs of a new day and fresh air of Thorong-la pass was getting closer and closer. Finally we reached the pass at 6:15 Am. Luckily, we were the first team to be on the pass that day. My thanks goes to my fellow trekkers and our travel friends Pasang, Rajendra and Bhim .Without their help, our journey from Kathmandu to Thorong-la pass may not have been possible. "Thanks god for creating such a wonderland, and i know you are also amazed, like I am." Kathmanu to Thorong-la Pass to Pokhara (Approx. Time to Travel) Day 1: Kathmandu to Beshisahar (7 Hrs) - Bus Beshisahar to Chahare (2 Hrs) - Jeep Chahare to Sange (3 Hrs) - hike Day 2: Sange to Jagar (2 Hrs) -hike Jagar to Chamje (2 Hrs) -hike Chamje to Taal (2 Hrs) -hike Taal to Dharapani (4 Hrs) -hike Day 3: Dharapani to Temang (3 Hrs) -hike Temang to Chame (3 Hrs) -hike Chame to Bhurtang (3 Hrs) -hike Day 4: Bhurtang to Dhukur Pokhari (1 Hrs) -hike Dhukur Pokhari to Pisang (2 Hrs) -hike Pisang to Humde (3 Hrs) -hike Humde to Manang (3 Hrs) -hike Day 5: Rest Day at Manang Manang to Ice Lake (4 hrs) -hike Manang to Gangapurna lake (20 Mins) -hike Gangapurna lake to Annapurna IV base (2 Hrs) -hike Day 6: Manang to Gunsang (2:30 Hrs) -hike Gunsang to Ghenojang Khola (1 Hrs) -hike Ghenojang Khola to Yak Kharka (2 Hrs) -hike Day 7: Yak Kharka to Churi Leder (1 Hrs) -hike Churi Leder to Thorong Phedi (2 Hrs) -hike Thorong phedi to Thorong high camp(1 Hrs) -hike Day 8: Thorong High camp to Thorong Base camp (1 Hrs) -hike Thorong Base camp to Thorong Pass(2 Hrs) -hike Thorong Pass to Muktinaath (5 Hrs) -hike Muktinaath to Jomsom(3 Hrs) - Jeep Day 9: Jomsom to Beni (7 Hrs) - Bus Beni to Pokhara (4 hrs) -Bus Photograph Section Please click on the image to see its large version.
  day1and2  At Besisahar
001 day1and2 At Besisahar
  day1and2  Trek at night
002 day1and2 Trek at night
  day1and2  Marsangdi below
003 day1and2 Marsangdi below
  day1and2  Sange bazaar
004 day1and2 Sange bazaar
  day1and2  Temporary Bamboo bridge
005 day1and2 Temporary Bamboo bridge
  day1and2  At your own risk
006 day1and2 At your own risk
  day1and2  Marching towards taal
007 day1and2 Marching towards taal
  day1and2  Free falling
008 day1and2 Free falling
  day1and2  Watterfall on a way to Taal
009 day1and2 Watterfall on a way to Taal
  day1and2  Rainbow water fall at Chamje
010 day1and2 Rainbow water fall at Chamje
  day1and2  Mid day at Chamje
011 day1and2 Mid day at Chamje
  day1and2  Mr pandey and Rokka
012 day1and2 Mr pandey and Rokka
  day1and2  How i look at picture
013 day1and2 How i look at picture
  day1and2  Himalaya Transport
014 day1and2 Himalaya Transport
  day1and2  Wel-come to Manang
015 day1and2 Wel-come to Manang
  day1and2  How far is taal
016 day1and2 How far is taal
  day1and2  Taal (entry point of Manang)
017 day1and2 Taal (entry point of Manang)
  day1and2  day-1and2 Entering Manang
018 day1and2 day-1and2 Entering Manang
  day1and2  Trekers on a pose
019 day1and2 Trekers on a pose
  day1and2  Map of Dharapani
020 day1and2 Map of Dharapani
  day3 Mount Manasalu
021 day3 Mount Manasalu
  day3 Tihar fever is still on
022 day3 Tihar fever is still on
  day3 Waiting for breakfast
023 day3 Waiting for breakfast
  day3 Electricity for chame
024 day3 Electricity for chame
  day3 On the way to Chame
025 day3 On the way to Chame
  day3 Blue sky
026 day3 Blue sky
  day3 Stable on construction
027 day3 Stable on construction
  day3 limps of Annapurna II above
028 day3 limps of Annapurna II above
  day3 Information about Chame
029 day3 Information about Chame
  day3 Leaving Chame
030 day3 Leaving Chame
  day3 Mane at chame
031 day3 Mane at chame
  day3 Small village On a way to chame
032 day3 Small village On a way to chame
  day3 Pray for peace
033 day3 Pray for peace
  day3 day-3 Mt. Manaslu
034 day3 day-3 Mt. Manaslu
  day3 Pasang (He knows everything about our treking rout)
035 day3 Pasang (He knows everything about our treking rout)
  day3 Helicopter towards Ktm
036 day3 Helicopter towards Ktm
  day3 3 Dudes
037 day3 3 Dudes
 day4 A stiff hills behind Dhukur pokhari
038 day4 A stiff hills behind Dhukur pokhari
  day3 Tea house on a way to Chame
039 day3 Tea house on a way to Chame
  day3 Trail to Chame
040 day3 Trail to Chame
  day3 Annapurna II
041 day3 Annapurna II
  day3 Ready for day 4
042 day3 Ready for day 4
  day3 Mount Annapurna from Bhurtang
043 day3 Mount Annapurna from Bhurtang
  day3 Manasalu
044 day3 Manasalu
 day4 Annapurna from humde
045 day4 Annapurna from humde
 day4 Between trees
046 day4 Between trees
 day4 Chauri's head on display
047 day4 Chauri's head on display
 day4 Clouds over Annapurna
048 day4 Clouds over Annapurna
 day4 Clouds over Annapurna 2
049 day4 Clouds over Annapurna 2
 day4 D2ains on trail
050 day4 D2ains on trail
 day4 Deserted hills of manang
051 day4 Deserted hills of manang
 day4 Dhukur Pokhari
052 day4 Dhukur Pokhari
 day4 Exiting Pisang
053 day4 Exiting Pisang
 day4 From Humde to Manang
054 day4 From Humde to Manang
 day4 Hills and mountains
055 day4 Hills and mountains
 day4 Humde Airport from Pisang
056 day4 Humde Airport from Pisang
 day4 Marching towards Pisang
057 day4 Marching towards Pisang
 day4 Mid day at humde
058 day4 Mid day at humde
 day4 Mt. Pisang a close up
059 day4 Mt. Pisang a close up
 day4 Mt. Pisang hiding behind
060 day4 Mt. Pisang hiding behind
 day4 Om mane peme hum
061 day4 Om mane peme hum
 day4 Pisang
062 day4 Pisang
 day4 Prayers
063 day4 Prayers
 day4 Trail to Pisang
064 day4 Trail to Pisang
 day4 Sunset on himalaya
065 day4 Sunset on himalaya
 day4 Tilicho peak
066 day4 Tilicho peak
 day4 Rest at Dhukur Pokhari
067 day4 Rest at Dhukur Pokhari
 day4 Trekkers united
068 day4 Trekkers united
 day4 Upper Pisang Village
069 day4 Upper Pisang Village
 day4 View from horse stable
070 day4 View from horse stable
 day5 Annapurna 3
071 day5 Annapurna 3
 day5 Annapurna range
072 day5 Annapurna range
 day5 Annapurna3 Gangapurna glacier and lake
073 day5 Annapurna3 Gangapurna glacier and lake
 day5 At 3900 meters
074 day5 At 3900 meters
 day5 barbarians throwing ice blocks down
075 day5 barbarians throwing ice blocks down
 day5 bhurtel Buda , Mandle Buda
076 day5 bhurtel Buda , Mandle Buda
 day5 Bridge between Manang and gangapurna
077 day5 Bridge between Manang and gangapurna
 day5 Chulu peak
078 day5 Chulu peak
 day5 cloud formation above Gangapurna Glacier
079 day5 cloud formation above Gangapurna Glacier
 day5 direction to ice lake
080 day5 direction to ice lake
 day5  From middle of Manang
081 day5 From middle of Manang
 day5  Gangapurna glacier
082 day5 Gangapurna glacier
 day5  Gangapurna Glacker up close
083 day5 Gangapurna Glacker up close
 day5  Gangapurna Lake
084 day5 Gangapurna Lake
 day5  GangaPurna lake and the trail to yak kharka
085 day5 GangaPurna lake and the trail to yak kharka
 day5  Gangapurna lake from the base of annapurna 3
086 day5 Gangapurna lake from the base of annapurna 3
 day5  Going up there
087 day5 Going up there
 day5  golden crown over ganga purna
088 day5 golden crown over ganga purna
 day5  gotta go up there
089 day5 gotta go up there
 day5  Halal Buda, maite, mandle buda
090 day5 Halal Buda, maite, mandle buda
 day5  Ice lake at 4500m elevation
091 day5 Ice lake at 4500m elevation
 day5  ice lake up close
092 day5 ice lake up close
 day5  KapilP's wish fulfilled
093 day5 KapilP's wish fulfilled
 day5  KarkiDai
094 day5 KarkiDai
 day5  Marching up
095 day5 Marching up
 day5  midway from the base 3900meters
096 day5 midway from the base 3900meters
 day5  Peaks up north
097 day5 Peaks up north
 day5  Prayer flags
098 day5 Prayer flags
 day5  take my prayers to the Mountain Gods
099 day5 take my prayers to the Mountain Gods
 day5  Towards the base of Annapurna 3
100 day5 Towards the base of Annapurna 3
 day5  Thorong-La still illudes
101 day5 Thorong-La still illudes
 day5  the other side of Gangapurna
102 day5 the other side of Gangapurna
 day5  Trekkers enjoying the view
103 day5 Trekkers enjoying the view
 day5  twilight at Manang village
104 day5 twilight at Manang village
 day5  Upper manang in the distance
105 day5 Upper manang in the distance
 day5  What goes up musts come down
106 day5 What goes up musts come down
 day5  wider view of the mountains up west
107 day5 wider view of the mountains up west
 day5  wind horses
108 day5 wind horses
 day6  Badalu ko ghumto le
109 day6 Badalu ko ghumto le
 day5  yanna rascala
110 day5 yanna rascala
 day6  leaving Manang behind
111 day6 leaving Manang behind
 day6  stopping by at upper manang
112 day6 stopping by at upper manang
 day6  Upper Manang
113 day6 Upper Manang
 day6  Angels pass
114 day6 Angels pass
 day5  Yak skull as an offering
115 day5 Yak skull as an offering
 day6  Bhurtel Buda
116 day6 Bhurtel Buda
 day6  Bursting clouds
117 day6 Bursting clouds
 day6  Bursting clouds and prayers
118 day6 Bursting clouds and prayers
 day6  Small Monastary
119 day6 Small Monastary
 day6  Clouds above Mt Tilicho
120 day6 Clouds above Mt Tilicho
 day6  Yak Kharka on a distance
121 day6 Yak Kharka on a distance
 day6  Standing behind yak kharka
122 day6 Standing behind yak kharka
 day6  Peak at Khentang
123 day6 Peak at Khentang
 day6  DSC04358
124 day6 DSC04358
 day6  DSC04360
125 day6 DSC04360
 day6  DSC04389
126 day6 DSC04389
 day6  Dusk at Yak Kharka
127 day6 Dusk at Yak Kharka
 day6  evening stroll at 4200 meters
128 day6 evening stroll at 4200 meters
 day6  frozen pond at Khentang
129 day6 frozen pond at Khentang
 day6  go gunners
130 day6 go gunners
 day6  Great wall of Manang
131 day6 Great wall of Manang
 day6  Hitesh in action
132 day6 Hitesh in action
 day6  Hi5
133 day6 Hi5
 day6  HiteshK, BimalK,KapilP
134 day6 HiteshK, BimalK,KapilP
 day6  Hotel on a way to Yak kharka
135 day6 Hotel on a way to Yak kharka
 day6  House at Manang
136 day6 House at Manang
 day6  Just click
137 day6 Just click
 day6  Kapil ko jureli
138 day6 Kapil ko jureli
 day6  Karki dai and bhurtel buda on a way to Yak kharka
139 day6 Karki dai and bhurtel buda on a way to Yak kharka
 day6  Like a Smoke behind the mountain
140 day6 Like a Smoke behind the mountain
 day6  MohanaL
141 day6 MohanaL
 day6  Porters
142 day6 Porters
 day6  Prayer wheels at upper manang
143 day6 Prayer wheels at upper manang
 day6  Rudra, Mohana and Pasang stopping by at Braka
144 day6 Rudra, Mohana and Pasang stopping by at Braka
 day6  RudraP Posing
145 day6 RudraP Posing
 day6  Movie time
146 day6 Movie time
 day6  Khentang lodge
147 day6 Khentang lodge
 day6  silhouette stand across the sky
148 day6 silhouette stand across the sky
 day6  stopping by for a pose (rest)
149 day6 stopping by for a pose (rest)
 day6  strange cloud formation
150 day6 strange cloud formation
 day6  the trail to Yak kharka
151 day6 the trail to Yak kharka
 day6  thorang pass is still a couple of days walk away
152 day6 thorang pass is still a couple of days walk away
 day6  Tilicho peak
153 day6 Tilicho peak
 day6  towards yak kharka
154 day6 towards yak kharka
 day6  Wow !
155 day6 Wow !
 day6  vegetation around manang
156 day6 vegetation around manang
 day6  unknown peak up close
157 day6 unknown peak up close
 day6  yak hotel at yak kharka
158 day6 yak hotel at yak kharka
 day7 Acclamitization before the final push
159 day7 Acclamitization before the final push
 day7 Chris and Truman
160 day7 Chris and Truman
 day7 Trails to Thorong phedi
161 day7 Trails to Thorong phedi
 day7 DSC_9124
162 day7 DSC_9124
 day7 DSC_9157
163 day7 DSC_9157
 day7 DSC04428
164 day7 DSC04428
 day7 High Camp 4900 meters high
165 day7 High Camp 4900 meters high
 day7 High camp down below
166 day7 High camp down below
 day7 Kapil feels the snow
167 day7 Kapil feels the snow
 day7 Legs may not be 100 percent but the will is
168 day7 Legs may not be 100 percent but the will is
 day7 Mohana on the march
169 day7 Mohana on the march
 day7 Mohana reaches Thohrang Fedi
170 day7 Mohana reaches Thohrang Fedi
 day7 resting at thorong phedi
171 day7 resting at thorong phedi
 day7 say cheese
172 day7 say cheese
 day7 The sheer scale of the mountains
173 day7 The sheer scale of the mountains
 day7 The tea shop at this point was burnt down
174 day7 The tea shop at this point was burnt down
 day7 The trail from yak kharka
175 day7 The trail from yak kharka
 day7 Thorand fedi down below
176 day7 Thorand fedi down below
 day7 thoroang phedi at 4540 meters, base camp is another 400 meters up
177 day7 thoroang phedi at 4540 meters, base camp is another 400 meters up
 day7 Thorong fedi
178 day7 Thorong fedi
 day7 tiredness shows
179 day7 tiredness shows
 day8 dawn
180 day8 dawn
 day8 Dhawalagari Range from Thorong La pass
181 day8 Dhawalagari Range from Thorong La pass
 day8 Kapils wish
182 day8 Kapils wish
 day8  Dawn at Thorong La pass
183 day8 Dawn at Thorong La pass
 day8 ranges
184 day8 ranges
 day8 Finally at the highest pass in the world - 5416 Meters
185 day8 Finally at the highest pass in the world - 5416 Meters
 day8 MR elated
186 day8 MR elated
 day8 Rudra in action
187 day8 Rudra in action
 day8 Rudra and Pasang the guide
188 day8 Rudra and Pasang the guide
 day8 Victory
189 day8 Victory
 day8 Team D2 minus Rudra and Abi
190 day8 Team D2 minus Rudra and Abi
 day8 Him Kancha
191 day8 Him Kancha
 day8 Trail to Muktinath
192 day8 Trail to Muktinath
 day8 Jomsom
193 day8 Jomsom
 day8 A village in a distance on the way to Muktinath
194 day8 A village in a distance on the way to Muktinath
 day8 Burning tea shop
195 day8 Burning tea shop
 day8 AbisheshJ
196 day8 AbisheshJ
 day8 Bimal can't wait go get down
197 day8 Bimal can't wait go get down
 day8 Dhawalagari range - seen from midway between Thorong pass and Muktinath
198 day8 Dhawalagari range - seen from midway between Thorong pass and Muktinath
 day8 DSC04464
199 day8 DSC04464
 day8 DSC04475
200 day8 DSC04475
 day8 Kapil punches the air
201 day8 Kapil punches the air
 day8 Kapil with Pasang, Bhim and Rajendra
202 day8 Kapil with Pasang, Bhim and Rajendra
 day8 Leader of the four
203 day8 Leader of the four
 day8 Muktinath
204 day8 Muktinath
 day8 SDC10550
205 day8 SDC10550
 day8 Tea shop at Thorong pass
206 day8 Tea shop at Thorong pass
 day9and10  somewhere between Pokahara and Beni
207 day9and10 somewhere between Pokahara and Beni
 day9and10  way to Pokhara
208 day9and10 way to Pokhara
 day9and10  finally in Pokhara
209 day9and10 finally in Pokhara
 day9and10  back to Kathmandu
210 day9and10 back to Kathmandu
 The Royal Travel
211 The Royal Travel
 The Pilot is grounded at Yak Kharka
212 The Pilot is grounded at Yak Kharka
 Manang Meeting
213 Manang Meeting
  Hunna ra Rudra dai
214 Hunna ra Rudra dai
 Towards Ice Lake
215 Towards Ice Lake
 Rudra and Mohana at Good View
216 Rudra and Mohana at Good View
 Have a little pause
217 Have a little pause
 May be thinking of establishing DR over here
218 May be thinking of establishing DR over here
 By the Manang Monastery
219 By the Manang Monastery
 Here i come
220 Here i come
 Hitesh & Mohana close by Annapurna IV
221 Hitesh & Mohana close by Annapurna IV
 La La Mohana Chito janu paryo
222 La La Mohana Chito janu paryo
 Abhi to mai jawan hun
223 Abhi to mai jawan hun
 D2 Models
224 D2 Models
225 Mohanapurna
 Hi is at Ice Lake
226 Hi is at Ice Lake
 Chris and Rudra at self design
227 Chris and Rudra at self design
 Aba chai nasakenay bhaiyo
228 Aba chai nasakenay bhaiyo
 Way to Thorang Phedi
229 Way to Thorang Phedi
 Still he needs to measure the distance
230 Still he needs to measure the distance

Hiking from Lamidanda to Palanchowk Bhagawati Temple
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Hiking from Dharke to Sitapaila
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