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Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar


Roja Basukala

Participants : Raj, Hiteshi, ManojR, Bimal, RajK, Suresh, Ananta, Raghu, Sweta, Roja (rookie), Luna, Puja, Awanish, Kumar and Vishnu Route :Anbu Khaireni-Manakamana-Kurintar Date :Sunday, May 20, 2007 Report :Roja, Luna Photo :Raj and BimalK Captions : Vishnu Creative Support :BinayaN, DovanR Trip Doom: 10 miles (GPS) First Hiking Experience in D2 Quite excited!!! The first hiking route I chose was Khaireni to Manakamana and back to Kurintar, which was quite a longer one. Thinking about how the hiking would be ……. felt sleepless the previous night. I was woken up early in morning at 4:20 am by the alarm clock, as I had to reach office by 5:30 AM. After making some preparation, I got ready and reached Bhaktapur Bus Park to get bus for Kathmandu. However, I missed the first bus for Kathmandu at 5:00 am. So I had to wait 20 minutes more for the second bus and reached office by 6: 10 AM. I found everybody waiting for me as I reached late. We left office at around 6:10 am. We were altogether 15 in the office Van on leaving the valley. I found Nepal’s natural beauty on the way with wonderful green and sloppy mountains, stony and snake like rivers and roads. Bimal was busy capturing the natural scenes with his camera. We had our breakfast at JHAKKAS KHAJA GHAR with rice pudding and spicy foods at around 8:30 am on the way. The bus route to Khaireni was also longer one. Our hiking did not start until we reached Khaireni at 10:00 a.m. We were a bit tired before hiking because of long route to Khaireni on wheel. On crossing the bridge called JHOLUNGE Pull at Khaireni we started our hiking. Sweta was scared on the bridge because of Bimal’s movements on the bridge. Actually, the day did not seem appropriate for hiking. We had to climb on stony steps on such a bright sunny day. I felt very hot and tired soon because of sun’s immense heat and the stony and sloppy hill towards Manakamana. We desired for cool airy environment under the skirt of clouds. But, the sun was against us. We took rest for sometime on shades and continued walking. On the way Luna lost her bracelet which made Luna, Vishnu and Raj to return back some distance in search of her bracelet. So our hiking group was divided into two groups. Fast hikers continued hiking ahead. I was among the slow hikers (must be the slowest…..) as Luna could not find her bracelet. I felt the stone paved to Manakamana very difficult to climb continuously. Therefore, I took some more rests on stones and shades on the way that made me last hiker almost all the time. Raj, Vishnu, Kumar, Luna, Puja, Sweta including me were among slow hikers. Vishnu and Raj encouraged me to hike ahead as this was my first hike. We encountered so many asses carrying loads of rice and gas cylinders. The stony way was so long and difficult enough to climb on such mid sunny day. The sun was throwing maximum heat then. After hot sunny day, evening was cool and fresh air started to blow which calmed us a little. Me, the last hiker reached the Manakamana Temple at 2:30 pm. We had climbed the destination at the height of around 4200 feets. The fastest hiker had waited almost 2 hours for us. After the paying homage to Manakamana temple we had nice meal at a restaurant near by the temple at around 3 pm. We started climbing down again at around 4:30 pm as most of us were interested in climbing down rather than returning in cable car. Only Kumar returned in cable car with all our bags. This time we chose another way to return to Kurintar. The new way we had chosen was narrower but easier at the beginning with green corn fields on both sides of the way. As we found no schools open due to teachers’ strike, we had to distribute the office copies and pencils to a group of children playing ball on the way. The way we returned tends to follow the track of cable car. Almost half of the way was easier to climb down. On the way, returning there was not much places to rest for. When I tried to rest Suresh was there to say not to take rest but rather reach Kurintar earlier and have plenty of rest. On continuous walking along half the way, I felt tired. Due to less sleep the previous night, late meal at 3 pm and long walk on such sunny day on such stony and sloppy hill, I was quite exhausted and so had terrible headache. I felt much more difficult to climb down rest half of the way. It seemed difficult for me even to step a single step. I wanted some rest rather than walk. However, I took some rest on that sloppy hill, as I was so tired. Any way I had to complete the hike. So I started walking very slowly with shorter steps. I felt my legs heavy enough to climb down with every step I took. It was like stepping on moon with slow motion in short steps in less attraction of gravity. Everybody (especially Suresh, Sweta, Ananta, Raghu) were encouraging me to take longer steps to climb down soon. But I could not do so because of tiresome whole day walk. The long hiking duration even more lengthened only because of me. All the hikers had to wait for me again in the JHOLUNGE Bridge at Kurintar. I was quite disappointed to see everyone waiting just because of me. I felt sorry for my friends that I made them wait most of the time that day. We had our office van waiting at around 7:00 pm at Kurintar and returned to Kathmandu. We had our dinner at Naubise at 9:30 pm. Very exhausted i stepped into my house by late night (11:20 pm). Anyway, the hiking being tough and lengthy one was really a memorable and interesting one. We walked almost 10 miles in total from Khaireni to Manakamana to Kurintar. I enjoyed my first hiking a lot. Oh! I hope I have not again annoyed you all telling a long experience. Hiking Report: Luna Yet another tough route and sought after destination for hiking, it was one of the elongated route from Aabu Khaireni to Manakamana. Altogether there were 15 hikers enthusiastic to pursue the lakshya “Manakamana”, on a bright and sunny Sunday Morning of 20th May. Leaving the chaotic Metro City and mundane work-life for a day and opting to go for a hike was probably the best choice for recreation. It was a 3 hours drive from Kathmandu to Khaireni, on the way we stopped to view important sites like: ancestral habitat of honorable D2 founder, then moving towards Naubise where we had breakfast then at around 10 am we reached Aabu Khaireni, from where we started our trail, which was definitely a tough one. As the cliché goes “when the going gets tough; tough gets going”, the scorching heat of sun made our venture more infuriating and strenuous. Besides my hassles like: loosing a bracelet and the search which went in vain; we got fatigue so we took rest and munch and in fact I was worried about our girl team among who was Roja, the rookie on a rough trail however there were Raj, Kumar and Vishnu to encourage and accompany us. I am in dearth of words to thank them for their empathy and consideration even we lagged behind the proficient hikers by 1 and half hours and reached the sacred temple “Manakamana” around 3 pm. After refreshment and lunch, we strolled back to Kurintar along the winding trailing hill where Cable Car Towers were built. Finally, despite of soreness and exhaustion, we girls didn’t give up and reached Kurintar within 7 pm. Walla!! By the grace of goddess, we completed it in a day which was actually a tough two day route as told by elders who had been to Mankamana for pilgrimage.

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

1. Ah god breatheless, such a beautiful silent highway nepal

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

2. Ah god heavenly scene

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

3. A pair of boys resting for big planned long hike

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

4. Ah the suspension bridge

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

5. Antiques displaying rich nepali culture tradition

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

6. Awanish Ranjan Always gentleman pose handsome

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

7. AwanishRanjan and RajThakuri leading the pose

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

8. AwanishRanjan RajKishoreRajThakuriBishnukshettriHiteshKarki

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

9. Awed by wonders of cable car Hitesh

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

10. beautiful array of village homes

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

11. Beautiful Green

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

12. Beautiful highway and manakamna cable car entrance station

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

13. Beautiful Highway and public micro bus

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

14. Big Bells of historical manakamana

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

15. Big Trucks ferrying good in nepal highway

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

16. Bimal Koirala is not posing He ahs got talent in photography

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

17. Wodden gifts

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

18. Broadest highway section

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

19. Cable Car away and the village to manakamana

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

20. Cable Car illustrations

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

21. Calm Nepalese Streets in Kathmandu

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

22. Children pampered with pencils and Copies

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

23. Cloud Covered Green Hills take away Breathe

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

24. Confluence so beautiful

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

25. Core kathmandu nepal heart new Road Area

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

26. Corn fields

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

27. Crossing the suspension bridge is fun

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

28. D2hawkeye logo in copies makes children happy

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

29. Donkeys faster than hiking team

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

30. Donkeys on the run

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

31. Dream Haven heaven

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

32. Farway Vilage inside the jungle view

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

33. girls girls smile

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

34. Go green beauty

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

35. go team go its easy now

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

36. Great Greenery Photography

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

37. Great photography pose and beautiful suspension bridge

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

38. Great pose hikers

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

39. Green jungles part of nepalese lives

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

40. Green Mountains our treasure in nepal

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

41. Green paddy leaves

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

42. Here is the supreme beauty

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

43. Hiking has started

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

44. Hitesh and Bimal buying wooden Antiquities

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

45. Hitesh is also number one catapult player

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

46. Hitesh karki can you name the location

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

47. Hitesh Karki poses alongside god bakreshore mahadev lord

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

48. Hitesh Karki wishes for such a typical nepali home

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

49. If the shadow of tree were not there

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

50. Innocent cute child in village under umbrella shadow

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

51. Is that a resort in manakamana Gorkha

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

52. Its night in between Suspension Bridge and team cannot move

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

53. Kumar and Vishnu with angel girls in front of Goddess manakamana gorkha nepal

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

54. Kumar Pradhananga The GentleMan relaxing

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

55. Lunch break thank god

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

56. Maize storage nepal style

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

57. bridge

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

58. Car Station Gorkha NEPAL

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

59. Manoj Rokka gets text from his beloved

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

60. Mellowing river between the jungles

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

61. Mist All of sudden

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

62. Wish I had that home

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

63. mysterious river

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

64. Nepalese traditional Grinder

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

65. No load Donkeys bark With load they are silent

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

66. Now river alonside highway

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

67. pigeonhouse

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

68. Raj bahadur Thakuri produly enjoys the pace

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

69. Raj Kishore Smile

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

70. RajKishore munching with beautiful smiling Angels

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

71. Selfie under reflection

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

72. shops for antique collections

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

73. image

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

74. Suresh Gautam always a leader ever smiling

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

75. Take my breathe away

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

76. That Big Building must be a school or government training center

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

77. The Bridge connecting gorkha Manakamna with Tanahun district nepal

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

78. The bridge connecting Mungling to Tanahun Pokhara

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

79. The Marsyangdi powerhouse nepal

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

80. The Goddess Manakamana Temple Gorkha Nepal

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

81. The saadhus yellow robed messiahas

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

82. The Yellow School bus

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

83. Tired team clearly seen

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

84. Tuborg beer bottle means dinner has started

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

85. Two pairs of girls in nature

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

86. Two posers with old tree

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

87. typical jungle village

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

88. Vishnu Kshettri is never tired but he likes waiting for the team

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

89. Vishnu Kshettri loves paying bills

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

90. Way to manakamana goddess temple via cable car

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

91. Hiking between green cultivation is healthy

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

92. relax team relax long way to go

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

93. Resting hitesh and team

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

94. River Far away

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

95. Roof Architecture Manakamana Temple

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

96. Sleeping goddess devotees

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

97. Pigeons

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

98. Thats where we need to reach

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

99. Tired KumarPradhanangaManojRokkaBimalKoirala

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

100. Vishnu Kashettri loves Swwet shops

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

101. The jungle and the hiker

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

102. The Stone Staired walk

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

103. Tree radiating green alongside manakamana temple roof

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

104. Scorching sun and uphill hike omg

Hiking from Anbu Khaireni to Manakamana via Kurintar

105. The remanants of Swing See Saw