“ सूर्यविनायकको लक्ष्मी मिठाई भण्डार, गुलियो जेरी, चिल्लो पुरी, गज्जबको दही अनि सफा चम्चा प्लेटहरू । ”
The hiking confirmation mail read sharp 6 am, उठ्दा उठ्दै बजिसक्यो तेति त । ढिला पुगियो, पवनभन्दा एकै छिन अघि । यता उता hiker pick up service, head count 17 राम दाइ समेत गरेर १८ जना भयौं । लास्ट सिटमा ५ जना मजाले अटाउने रैछ जे होस् । सूर्यविनायकको लक्ष्मी मिठाई भण्डार, गुलियो जेरी, चिल्लो पुरी, गज्जबको दही अनि सफा चम्चा प्लेटहरू । किनमेल पनि भएछ त्यहाँ, गाडीमा फर्कदा ३ बाकस Ripple mineral water तेर्साइएको भेटियो अनि लाऽऽ नङ भाचियो । Cruising on Arniko highway - Nalinkchok, Jorpati, Saanga, Banepa and past Dhulikhel, that must be somewhere our hiking coordinator breaks a news on me - I am to contribute to this time's hiking report - ल फस्यो । Hiking route - Nepalthok, Dumja, Roshi river banks, plans, plans change, plans change as we implement them, we know how to do that very well, we work for a CMMI L3 company. खासमा दुम्जातिर मेरो पुर्खौली घर पर्छ, पर्छ अरे । दुम्जा जाने भने पछि - नेपालथोक अघि नै बालुवा आउछ, त्या ओर्लनु अनि हिड्नु, फलानो ठाउँमा यो छ , फलानो ठाउँमा जानु .... I am not good with directions or maps, not good with lists either, with this sudden change in hiking route, the list of places to visit became useless, for some reason, I was glad. त्यो ठाउँलाई भकुण्डे भन्दा रैछन्, हामी चै नमो बुद्धतर जाने भयौ त्याबाट । तेसपछि चै पनौतीसम्म हिडेर गाडी चढ्ने निधो । खेतको आली, १० बजेको घाम, कैले तल कैले माथि । 'Sun doesn't like you, you always get burned' - not this time I had put on a full sleeved shirt but i missed my d2 cap, पवनले ल्याकोथ्यो तर महेशले लाइदियो म हेर्या हेर्यै । hikers हरूमा गुटबन्धी भयो कोही निकै अगाडि कोही निकै पछाडि । Ripple mineral water के के गनाउदो रैछ, केटाहरूलाई त्यो खाएर हो कि भोक लागेछ तर चीज सीज चै पछाडि आउनेहरूसँग परेछ । कपास झर्ने ठाउँ आउनु अघि नै सुरेन्द्र दाइले छुरा निकाल्नु भो कन्चन चीज काट्न, Ripple मा Tang घोलियो । बाटोमा ऐसेलु भेटियो, काफल पनि भेटे भन्थे, देख्न चै पाइएन । खानेले खाए मैले चै फोटो खिचें, हातमा अफिसको क्यामेरा थ्यो नि त, बाँदरको हातमा नरिवल, एता फर्कायो खिचिक्क उता फर्कायो खिचिक्क ।“उल्लाई अलि सन्चो छैन तर केटो हिड्यो, फटाफट हिड्यो, धुलो उडाउदै हिड्यो ।”
आनाको Best friend छिरिङ .. शेर्पा हो, केटा हैन नि फेरि छिरिङ केटीको पनि नाम हुनसक्छ । उनीहरू स्कूलमा कैले पिटाइ खान्नन्, गुरुहरूलाई शिष्य कुट्न बर्जित रैछ, तेस्तो राम्रो स्कूलको नाम चै बिर्सें । गनाउने मोजाको जोक नि सुनियो । हिड्दा हिड्दै गाडी चल्ने बाटो भेटियो - दाइ नमो बुद्ध कति टाढा छ ? - सवा घण्टा । कसै कसैले सवा घण्टा भन्दा १५ मिनेट बुझ्दा रैछन् । बबिन्सलाई चै यो हाइकमा १५ मिनेट हिडे पुग्छ भनिएको रहेछ, उल्लाई अलि सन्चो छैन तर केटो हिड्यो, फटाफट हिड्यो, धुलो उडाउदै हिड्यो । चप्पलले अलि बढी नै उड्ने रैछ धुलो, कसैकसैलाई कम्मरसम्म धुलाम्मे नि बनाइयो । En route to Dapcha, Mrs Hoffstadear sang a duet with Sheldon Cooper and Barney did things Ted could never imagine of. दाप्चाको पुरानो बस्ती, पुराना घरहरू, बीच बीचमा पक्की घर र बोर्डिङ स्कुल, माओवादी पार्टी कार्यालयको सटर चै बन्द रहेछ । चौतारो आयो झोलाको भारी पेटतिर सारियो । खाली खोल, खाली बोतल त्यै फाल्ने हैन नि (Manoj Rokka and Santosh Pradhan like this)“गुम्बा देखियो, पृष्ठभूमिमा धुम्मिएको आकाश, अब पानी नपरी आकाश खुल्दैन होला । ”
गुम्बा देखियो, पृष्ठभूमिमा धुम्मिएको आकाश, अब पानी नपरी आकाश खुल्दैन होला । Concrete-top road, the monastery is a pretty clean place. Take off your footwear to step on the cool marble floor. Drums beating, sounds of long pipes and sczaams admist hymns and chanting of the monks and of course more photo shoots. Change of plans #2 The hiking would be cut short now. The estimated 3 hr namo buddha-panauti walk was scrapped. We would now take a path 20 mins downhill to Sange where our van would pick us up. This turned out to be a good choice as it started to rain soon after we boarded the van. A bumpy ride to Hotel Panauti with roof top restaurant to find out that i) they were poor at estimating ii) they were out of lemon iii) they did not serve slice and iv) it costs NRs 640 to have a tshirt like prajwal's, printed. By 1700 hours we were on our way back. the van would have been quiet if not for Babins who got his hold of a music edition mobile set, अर्को बाँदरको हातमा अर्को नरिवल, and he was changing tracks like crazy, every 10 seconds or so, extremely annoying. And with series of good byes and thank you-s, it came to an end. A short, uneventful hike, just the way I like it. Kanchan Raj Pandey(rookie):“I have never seen or heard of such hiking culture except in D2.”
It was my first hike since I joined D2. We left office at 6;30 am, Picking up some hikers on the way. We reached Bhakunde Besi around 9:30 from where the hiking started. Even though it was hot the natural views and fresh air motivated us for the hike. We had a halt under a tree shade and had cheese, glucose, tang and chips. After a short break we again started our hike taking photographs. We had "Aiselu" on the way. We reached Dapcha and I liked it very much especially the houses that were build in traditional way. Then we headed towards Namo Buddha. Lamas reading their holy books, and playing their traditional instrument at Namo Buddha, I cant describe the feelings that I had. We had our lunch at Panauti, food was really good. I have never seen or heard of such hiking culture except in D2. I came to know about different peoples working in D2, made friends. Thanks Mahesh for conducting such a lovely hike. I am excited to join some more hikes in near future.