Hiking from Jefferson Notch to Mt Washington Summit
Jefferson Notch –
– Mt Washington Summit
3rd Aug 2008
- Sunday
Tika Mahata, Bijay Ghimire, Purushottam Pandey, Sanjay Ghimire
This one-day, 12-hour (excluding 8 hours travel time from home) hiking experience showcases the great natural beauty of the tallest mountain in New England. Uphill from Jefferson notch to Jefferson Summit to Cave-mountain to the summit of Mt Washington, and down through Crawford Path and Mt. Eisenhower to Crawford notch, this 15-mile long unique trail was a perfect getaway to leave the stress of the world behind and get lost in the serenity of nature.
The hiking team: Purushottam P, Bijay G, Tika M, Ishwar K, Puspa D/K!, Sanjay G
Experienced in hiking- Purushottam, Bijay, Tika, Ishwar
Conditioned (with regular work out), but not experienced in hiking-Puspa
Unconditioned with no hiking experience- Sanjay. The last time I remember going for hiking was more than 10 years ago in Shivapuri danda. As I look back, and try to recall a few things about the experience then (the geography, the people I went with, and the hiking trails), I was astonished to find myself in a position that I remember very few things. The experiences I’ve forgotten are lost to time. However, this time this won’t be the case- we had a near professional photographer- Tika.
Normal early morning start at 5 in the morning, a nice heavy breakfast at McDonald’s at 7, and ready to hit the trails by 9. The weather could not be better. Clear, warm day Headed north uphill from Jefferson notch…
I was new to the area and fully unfamiliar with hiking on the rocky terrain. Other end of the spectrum, full of confidence and stories of earlier experiences, Purush was the source of motivation- Unfolding a map from his pocket, he says-“look here, it's a piece of cake. Keep heading up and we will finish this in no time. But, watch the weather, it is very unpredictable, one moment rain and another moment sunshine”.
The plan, trail and the destination
Big Mac for the road?
The Presidential range
It's not fall yet....
All set ...
The team - photographer
Road to bliss is filled with thorns and rocks...
Rocky Mountain - NE Version
Anyone for rock climbing?
The rock climbers...
I am first here......
me second
third and fourth?
a silver lining behind any dark cloud
kalo kalo rel ko dhuwa......... in the background
How do I look?
follow me boys
good boy...
can you see the silver lining?
Time for a break
will be fun kicking that rocky arrangement
getting cold here
follow the doc
Where we headed next Mr. guide?
down this road boys....
let's goooooo
The Ghimires
wassup Doc?
still no rain......
and then we held hands...........
Puspa knows where we going.......
The Khatiwadas..........
wait doc.....it's pic time
The cog rail........oh and the doc too
heading down......
need "safa - rel" here
just another half mile to go
the cog-rail track
Tika the conquerer
almost there........
is it a toy train?
We did it dear.....
Tika leading the way....
And then there was no where to go.......
except down........
The Japanese Rock garden?
I doubt if the water is deep enough for this canoe......
let's head down.......
and there we go....
can we drink this water?
some greenery here at last
the road less travelled
kahaja time again
guys.... mushroom .....
where are we headed?
little dam
No reservations?
you need a bigger water bottle...
and then we pose again
and again
Parking Lot finally