Arjun Adhikari
It’s already forth day passed, a nice hike to Shivapuri (2723m), but some of my colleagues including me walking around with soaring feet makes it feel like we had just returned. It was my first hike from Deerwalk. As I had missed earlier hike to Sailung, I didn't let the hikers go without me, I occupied my place earlier. We started early @ 7.30 from Deerwalk. Though the starting was in a luxury van, we had to be on our feet once the van left us at the gate of Shivapuri National Park. Initial target was to have comfortable hike to 'Jhor' from 'Pani-Muhan'. However the hikers chose to climb up to ShivaPuri and walk along the hillside to 'Jhor'. As we walked for a few minutes gossiping and taking photos, Sushant suggested we take a short-cut, which was a steep up-hill climb. That was wonderful, everybody rushed up that path. As it was the beginning, everybody enjoyed the hill. We kept on walking up with snacks and photographs. Nhurendra was the regular hiker in this place, who walked ahead making the route for us. We had heard about the Buddhist Monastery on the way, so planned to walk via it. However we missed the way and walked up the hill leaving it, some hundred meters towards the right. That must be the first hill we had climbed, as all the hikers were ready to target the next hill. Slowly we entered a dense forest making 'Baghdwar' as our next destination. We did it with fun and photographs. We were good up to that. We were thinking of having lunch with local chicken, at some point on the hill. We were imagining of village restaurant on the hill, who would welcome us with the food. But it was only the dense forest welcoming us, except for a few commuters, who were living on the village across the hill. Even the 'Baba', the priest of the temple at 'Baghdwar' started his meditation after giving slight glimpse of his presence. We were pleased to see the holy Bagmati River at its origin, which was pure and waiting for commuters to quench their thirst. How come it is bigger in Kathmandu than its origin??? Oh.... it should have lost its chastity and gained the size while cleaning the sin on its path across Kathmandu. We had some snacks and started up towards the Peak - Shivapuri. The real hike started there!!!!!!!! I have not walked longer than 3 hours since last 10 years, though I was doing few minutes’ walk regularly. It made me realize that I need some more hikes if I want to live a healthier life. I couldn't give up, which I had thought once. In fact, returning back from that point alone was tougher. Boys kept on walking..... Laxman sensed the smell of Leopard, making the team walk faster and closer. Finally we all made it to the top. Sameer started capturing the views of mountains and the villages on the other side of the hill. Niran and Rajendra who were too dragging behind, got refreshed for the panoramic photographs. It was around 1 pm when we were at the top. Our stock of snacks were getting over, water too running out, and there was no luck for our lunch. We started climbing down the hill. Our next destination was 'Jhor'. Sushant was encouraging us to walk bit faster downhill, so that we can have enough time to get to Jhor. We started with good speed. But after half the way my speed went down. Rajendra was also struggling to climb down with a stick supporting him. Niran must have been searching for the place to drop his camera, as he was measuring his steps. It was tough thinking the remaining way to reach the base. It has been already 2 hours, Sushant had replied me that it is nearby and just few minutes’ walk remaining. Hungry boys, tired of walking realized that it is difficult to get to 'Jhor' as it was already 5 pm when we were near to the bottom of the hill. We changed the plan and decided to have our lunch at some restaurant in Budhanilkantha and end the hike. Suddenly Sameer, got some citrus fruit 'Bhogate'. It was like Adam's feast for us. Rajesh and Laxman quickly grabbed 1 each and started peeling the fruit. Hungry boys even started eating the cover. It was disappointing, Rajesh ended up with cover only, no fruit inside. But the one with Laxman was good enough for all of us to share. We ate what we got and moved ahead. Finally we were out of the National Park, no hill at all. We were walking on the road. We stopped at a Bakery shop and had some bakeries with tea. Kedar was there with the van to rescue us. We headed to a Thakali restaurant for our lunch at 6 pm. With the cheers of food we ended our hike. Finally the day was cool, gestures of the dense forest were friendly, and we enjoyed the hike!!! At the end we all departed to our residence with soaring feet and the rumour of Nepal Bandha on the next day, worrying about the unwanted walk to the office!!!